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  4. Biodegradable, safe to use, rust adn dirt cleaning cream POWER REMOVER 200ml, CREAMLUX . Perfect for recovery body!

Biodegradable, safe to use, rust adn dirt cleaning cream POWER REMOVER 200ml, CREAMLUX . Perfect for recovery body!

Biodegradable, safe to use, rust and dirt cleaning cream POWER REMOVER 200ml, CREAMLUX . Perfect for recovery body!
CreamLUX is a patented, unique invention produced in Poland, created as a result of many years of research and experience in German laboratories, with a reputation for innovation.

Our offer includes CreamLUX, a rust remover for steel, cast steel, cast iron, zinc and other metals, as well as a cleaning cream for chrome, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, stainless steel, ceramics, acrylic and glaze.

Thanks to the purely chemical process of affecting the cleaned surface, CreamLUX products do not destroy its structure, ensuring the results you expect. They perfectly remove and dissolve rust, all kinds of deposits and deposits, scale, as well as mold, stains and tarnish, restoring the natural shine and color of the polished structure.

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